Women in Tech Tallinn – a Lean In Circle

Women in Tech Tallinn aims to empower women in the tech and start up world in Estonia. We meet once a month for 90 minutes to share with each other what is working and what isn’t, and to hold each other accountable as we go outside our comfort zone.

Together, we can improve women representation in tech, close the gender pay gap, and have more women founders in Estonia. We work at fighting the hidden bias that we all have by educating ourselves.

This group is open to both women and men, as we need everyone to lean in in order to eradicate sexism in the tech industry. Learn more about Lean In Circles here. It is highly recommended that you read the book Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg to deeply understand the concept of leaning in. This is not a requirement to join our circle.

By attending one of our meetings, you agree to our group fundamentals:

Trust is critical. What happens in your Circle should stay in your Circle.

Commit to share openly and honestly—and to listen with empathy.

Everyone should be invested in your Circle’s success and be fully present at meetings.

You may attend one meeting as a guest to decide if it is a right fit for you. We ask for a commitment to attend meetings for at least a year, with the understanding that life happens and you may not be able to attend all of the meetings.

Interested in attending one of our meetings?

Please fill out this form below. We are currently building this circle and will find a place and time in the city center that works for the most people interested in the group. Our first meeting will be held in April 2023. Meetings will be 90 minutes long.

    When would you prefer to meet?

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